Kayseri Underground Bazaar Prefers Carrier VRF


The air conditioning of the huge Underground Bazaar, located under Kayseri Cumhuriyet Square, is from Carrier. Kayseri Underground Bazaar consists of small-scale stores such as clothing, shoes, money changers, electronic goods, souvenirs and mobile phones.
The Underground Bazaar, which is situated below Cumhuriyet Avenue, and which was built in 1979 on an area of total 10,000 square meters, has chosen Carrier VRF for airconditioning. The project conducted in cooperation with Netisa Engineering, Carrier VRF’s Authorized Distributor in Turkey, made use of a VRF system with 208 indoor units and 16 outdoor units, as well as an air-handling unit with 8 outdoor units and 4 DX batteries. The project which has a total cooling capacity of 1,333 kW brings energy consumption to a minimum thanks to the equipment with inverter technology.

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