Carrier Air Purifier

    Clean the air of the spaces you live from bacteria and viruses!
    Very small droplets and particles invisible to the eye, viruses and microorganisms, volatile chemical compounds (VOCs) in the air, dust and pollen, pet hair and skin rashes, allergens and the smell of cigarettes...

    Effectively filters dust, hair, feathers, large volatile particles, and also effectively reduces discomfort such as itching, rash, redness, sneezing, runny nose, etc. frequently seen in babies and children.
    The HEPA filter is internationally recognized as the best filtration material in the world. HEPA filter, which was initially used for nuclear research, is now widely used in advanced laboratories, drug production and other areas requiring high hygiene.
    Micro granular activated carbon is evenly distributed and the cleaning effect seen by contact with air is 5-10 times better than that of conventional large granular activated carbon.

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