Confirmation for the Terms of Use

By visiting and using Alarko Carrier's website at the address, or its mobile and web applications (hereinafter referred to as "Alarko Carrier Applications"), you agree to the terms of use provided below. If for any reason you do not accept these terms as a whole or in part, you should cease the use of Alarko Carrier Applications and leave them.


Terms of Use

Terms of use may be revised by Alarko Carrier without any prior announcement. Any change(s) introduced to the terms of use shall become effective as of their insertion into Alarko Carrier Applications. The users of the applications are required to keep an eye on the current version of the terms of use. Please check the Terms of Use ( regularly to stay up-to-date about these terms.

Alarko Carrier reserves the right to introduce changes and/or restrictions in the content or design of and access to its applications without notice. Alarko Carrier may restrict or remove access to these applications for any reason and at its sole discretion.
Alarko Carrier makes every effort to keep the content of its applications up-to-date and accurate, but Alarko Carrier does not guarantee the accuracy of this information, nor it assumes any liability for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of this information. The user shall have sole discretion for the use of this information, which is not legally binding.

Alarko Carrier Applications may contain links to other websites. Alarko Carrier does not guarantee the accuracy and applicability of the information provided on such websites. Such links are provided for informational purposes and for the convenience of users. Alarko Carrier cannot be held liable for any reason including the accuracy or applicability of the information provided in the sites reached through the links. The information provided as such shall not be binding for Alarko Carrier.

If the user accepts these terms of use, the membership becomes effective indefinitely once the user fills out the registration form in Alarko Carrier Applications and clicks the Submit button. The user can terminate his/her membership at any time. The user will not be able to use these Applications without accepting and agreeing to the terms of use.

At the time of registering for the Applications, the user will define a user name and a password, and will be required to keep the password secret. The user can change his/her password at any time. The user shall bear exclusive liability for the choosing and changing his/her password and keeping it secret. The user accepts, declares and undertakes that unless he/she obtains a new password using the Applications, he/she shall bear sole liability for the activities taking place with his/her password upon that password being lost by the user or discovered by 3rd parties, and that Alarko Carrier shall not be held liable in any way.

The e-mail address and user name provided by the user during the initial registration shall be unique identifiers of the user, and the user shall be allowed to register only once with a given e-mail address and user name. The same e-mail address and user name cannot be used for registration twice. The user may not request the e-mail address, user name or password details of another user. Accessing another user's account by any means is prohibited.

The User accepts and warrants that the information and content provided by the User is accurate and lawful, and belongs to the User. Alarko Carrier is not obliged to and responsible for investigating the accuracy of the information and content uploaded, modified and provided by the user, and for undertaking and guaranteeing that this information and content is safe, accurate and lawful.

The User may request the deletion or destruction of his/her personal data. To delete his/her account, the user can click on the 'Delete/Close My Account' button provided in the profile settings in Alarko Carrier Applications. Upon clicking this button and confirming the deletion of his/her account, the user's personal data will be removed from Alarko Carrier data streams through deletion, destruction or anonymization methods.

Applications may require updates from time to time and it is the user's responsibility to follow and implement these updates regularly. The use of the Applications may require occasional updates of the Applications as well as the mobile phone's operating system.

The installation and user manuals that come with the product or the application must be read and all instructions must be followed to be able to use Alarko Carrier products and Applications. The user accepts, represents and warrants to use the products and applications in accordance with the instructions and information specified, that he/she has read and understood these instructions, and that he/she will not seek damages from Alarko Carrier in any way in case he/she is unable to use the products or applications due to his/her failure to comply with these instructions and/or due to reasons arising from the software and hardware he/she is using.

Access to Alarko Carrier Applications and the quality of the operations carried out through them are also based on the quality of the service provided by the relevant operator, and Alarko Carrier shall not be liable for any problems arising from the quality of the service in question.
The natural gas or electricity bill figures may vary depending on the use of Alarko Carrier products and services, natural gas prices, air temperature, seasonal conditions, insulation and size of the house, use of other heating sources and other factors that may affect heating of the house etc. Alarko Carrier shall make every effort to save money without compromise on the user's comfort, but does not extend any commitment for any reductions in utility bills or savings in utility bills to be achieved through a specific time frame. Alarko Carrier shall not be held liable for any claim or demand regarding the bills, including in cases where the user's natural gas or electricity bills are higher than normal.

Alarko Carrier and the users shall not be liable for any breach of these Terms of Use caused by acts of God, martial law or state of emergency, civil commotion, war or military operations, national or local security, strikes and lockouts, compliance with any legal obligation, fire, lightning, explosion, flood, landslide, acts or omissions of Third Parties for which it is not responsible, or any other reason beyond its control.
Alarko Carrier shall not be liable in any way for any loss or damage incurred as a result of any intervention by the user or third parties, or for any errors, damage or deterioration in any software, equipment or data; for any violation of copyright and property rights that may occur as a result of use by the user. The user shall bear legal and criminal liability for any action he/she commits using the applications.
It is forbidden for the user to copy, reproduce, process, modify, change or publish Alarko Carrier Applications in any way and with any technology, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly.

The user accepts, represents and warrants in advance that he/she consents to all kinds of notifications, announcements, services, promotions and advertisements to be provided by Alarko Carrier as long as he/she uses Alarko Carrier Applications.

The provisions of the Law No. 6502 on Consumer Protection and applicable regulations shall govern the cases which are not regulated through the provisions of this agreement. In regards the user's filings for any complaints or objections and in other disputes that may arise with respect to this contract, the Consumer Problems Arbitration Committees at the user's place of residence shall have jurisdiction for cases up to the value announced annually by the Ministry of Customs and Trade, and the Consumer Courts shall have jurisdiction for cases in excess of the said value.




You can log in by typing your e-mail and password that you are a member of.

Your password must consist of at least 8 characters, contain 1 lowercase letter, 1 uppercase letter, and 1 special character.

Remember me



Your password must consist of at least 8 characters, contain 1 lowercase letter, 1 uppercase letter, and 1 special character.

You can also fill in this information to see special offers for you.

Remember me


Password Reset

We need your e-mail address so we can send you a password reset link.


Password reset link has been sent to .

Password Reset

Please enter your newly created password.

Your password must consist of at least 8 characters, contain 1 lowercase letter, 1 uppercase letter, and 1 special character.

your password has been successfully changed!

Now for your security, please login again with your new password.